How do you decide what to tweet

2013-09-02 03:22:40 -0400
I tweet at least once a day and my goal is to have each of my tweets fall into one or more of these 4 categories (ICEE):Inspire, Connect,Entertain, or Educate—all of which I believe are somehow related to happiness.

【微博原则:ICEE】美国著名电商Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh说:发微博的原则应该是ICEE。I = inspire(启发得到灵感),C= connect(连接增进感情),E = Entertain(娱乐带来快乐),E = Educate(教育辅助成长)。如果一条微博不能达到这四个目的之一,那就不发也罢。

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Squirrel (@squirrel) | @ at 2013-09-05 07:46:

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